better days

this is the fun part.
so i hope u'll find it fun :D
this one is for a.y :D

believe it or not i met a.y already,it was really suprising me actually because i never thought i will met her :D
but i met a.y at last :D
it was fun and i had a great time i mean really.
when the first time i met her,it was really awkward as everyone who know me well i'm quiet a shy person and a.y pulak jalan kemain laju at first,hahahahah mcm nak pi lumba lari but at the end lepas jumpa i know why she do that :D

kitorang jalan2 at the boring klcc and find a place to eat well guess what semua full,kenapa la diorang lapa time kitorang nak pi makan,potong betul dah la lapar mcm tak makan sebulan and lastly finally dapat jugak makan at burger king and even a.y tak suka but then dipaksa makan jugak :D
hahahahah.and paling best everytime dia ajak pegi bb i reject hahaha sorry kawan a.y for that :D
after we hit for lunch i want to buy new headgear for jog so we go to sony and at first tak sempat nak pilih sebab ada this stupid family block the way hahahah.
second time pergi baru dapat and balik2 terus jog memang best :D

then a.y nak balik so i teman dia til kl sentral sebab dia balik with kawan dia.
mase nak masuk train a.y kemain laju lagi nak masuk sampai tarik tangan i mcm nak pi kawin lari hahahahahha
so i guess u can guess why a.y jalan laju gila at first tu :P
then dah masuk train dia mcm nak slip up and guess what dia hold my hand again :D
hahahahahah but i buat tak tau je :P
sampai je kat kl sentral kitorang pun pergi la jumpa kawan dia and nampak dari jauh je,haish baru nak jumpa dekat2 an :D

and tiba2 je nak balik dah si a.y tu cepat benor and paling sedih dia lupa nak bagi something,hmmmmmmmmm
but then i was happy jugak sebab dapat jumpa a.y lepas having some hard time.
thank u a.y sebab cheering me,be there for me when i need someone and make me happy even tengah marah now :)

so thats all for now,nanti adala sambungannya :D
take care folks.
so lets raise the glass to better days.
saints all the way.

1 comment:

  1. aamboiiiii :P
    i nak ajak u ke u nak ajak i ?

    ohh. sempat eh nak mgada dgn kwn i :P

    thanks !
