victory in numbers

waddddup! lama tak on mcm dah lupa lak ada bende alah ni.
yea theres a lot of things to spill it out here sebab dah lama tak on right.
a lot of good and bad happen all this while.

lets start with good things first....yea all this while i feel happy since everything going great and smooth..
yea haritu ada pergi holiday kat perhentian with ajib and im..we had a good time,driving for like long hours,mak aih,letih makkk oi but then when we reach there,the tired hilang mcm tu je best gila when see the beach,clear water huish memang tak nak balik la but the surrounding is full with bitch and booze.tido pun kemain susah diorang sibuk dok berpesta kat luar bising.
but the interesting part is the first night at perhentian i ask for n.m to be with me and she accept it :)
what do u think i should feel that time yea?
mestila open bottle kot hahahahahhaha no lah,just keep it inside and smile for the world.

actually banyak sebenarnya pergi holiday tapi letih nak menaip,but then i just tell where i have go je la eh?
gopeng perak for white water rafting,janda baik for bbq,pergi church dengan im hahahahahha and banyak lagi la.
honestly i really feel the happiness in life.
before this the happy not really happy sangat because a person said to me,jangan happy sangat sebab it leads to something we can't accept.
so hati2 la nak happy pun.hahahha

and with ayee,amira and some others,we're getting tight back and we're happy after awhile lost contact because of something but ada jugak la kan try to make my friendship with ayee crack.
and that person memang crack pun.(strangers)

oraite now,we go for bad things.
banyak gaduh jugak la with n.m an haish tapi nasib baik la we get through all that.
yea fighting is not an option right?
so we just get through all that and forget about the past even some of it still can't even forget.
and out of nowhere,she just said something that i've been waiting for her to say and she say it last night.
now we both good,happy,great and farah lyana(go fuck urself holmes) a bit straight forward and its better i guess.

and bad things related with friends pulak.
haritu adala kan orang tu nak try crack kan friendship orang,sampai kitorang lost contact la jugak.ape la,banyak lagi bende berfaedah boleh buat,tapi tu la nak jugak buat benda tak elok.
come on kiddy shit,grow up.

ok thats all la dulu eh about the story curry tu.
nanti ada masa i add up.
and last for not least,i'm fit for study back sebab dah sihat balik skit,and nanti nak apply adp which means another 2 or 3 years je lagi ada kat kl and insyaallah dapat la an.

oraite for now,catch u later son.
light that shit,smoke that shit,pass that shit.
open ur eyes and jangan duk dalam gua je.

chow mate

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